December 04, 2023

Cellular Internet of Things: Panoramic Convergence for a Smart Connected World

The Internet of Things (IoT), as one of the most widely recognized "black technologies" today, has been highly valued by researchers and scholars at home and abroad.cellular module The accelerated realization of the Internet of Everything is providing more favorable conditions for automated manufacturing and intelligent management.

In addition to investing in the manufacturing industry, including smart home appliances and high-end consumer electronics, IoT is also being promoted in areas such as industrial control, financial services, healthcare and energy.lte module Analyzing and processing valuable information from the massive amount of information acquired by sensors can better meet the actual needs of different users, thus opening up new application areas and modes.

Since IoT involves information platform layer, terminal layer, network layer, application layer and peripheral environment system, only multi-mode product design can make full use of the economy of scale advantage of the underlying social chip to solve the problem of IoT market fragmentation. Multi-party cooperation and learning and exploration will help us realize the rapid scale deployment of multi-mode technology, promote the multi-mode market needs to be further established and mature, which can further reduce the cost of multi-mode terminals through.

As a strategic control point of logistics management, the value of logistics management platform will be increasingly emphasized by researchers. In the age of data, iot management platform will become a common choice for operators and equipment suppliers by sharing the delicious "big cake" of future iot.

In general, existing IOT devices are mainly based on 2G communication modules. In order to pursue higher speed, IOT devices are developing from 2G communication modules to 5G communication modules, and the commercialization of 5G communication modules will be promoted soon. Some analysts point out that sales of 5G modules will start in 2019 and surpass sales of 4G modules in 2024. The entire communication module shows the trend of 2G slowing down, 3G stabilizing, 4G skyrocketing, and 5G starting.

The proliferation of Iot devices is accelerating the arrival of a tightly connected, instantly accessible and intelligently connected world. Many challenges may hinder the successful deployment of iot systems and their connected devices. For example, security, interoperability, processing power, scalability, and more. Second, the industry needs to face up to the difficulties encountered in the mass rollout of IoT devices and actively explore solutions.

Cellular IoT is represented by Enhanced National Machine-Type Communication (eMTC), Narrowband IoT (NB-IOT), and so on. As far as the development of narrowband IOT is concerned, it is superimposed on the existing mobile Internet communication system network for each IOT smart terminal for users can be allocated such as 5kHz or a smaller bandwidth to meet the needs of small data volume (several kbps) transmission, is a method based on the traditional narrow-band information communication technology research program.

Analyzing from the segmentation point of view, IoT connectivity can be divided into short-range IoT and wide-area IoT. Short-range IoT development mainly refers to the range of about 100 meters through the connection, with communication information technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Zigbee as the core; the wide-area segment is connected by cellular structures, including LoRa, NB-IoT networks and Sigfox.

While there is a wide variety of communication technologies, cellular networks will undoubtedly play the role of the backbone. Looking ahead, NB-IoT and EMTC-based devices and applications will gradually enter people's daily lives and have a significant impact on their lives at different levels.

In addition, with the gradual advancement of flexible production methods, it will gradually become the norm to rely on highly flexible machine tool manufacturing equipment to realize multi-species and small-lot production. At the same time, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and other technologies will be applied to the various segments of industrial production scenarios, injecting more energy into the development of related industries.

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Cellular IoT and the future of 5G

Cellular networks: why are they called cellular networks?

Posted by: jadelung at 06:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 14, 2023

The Complete Guide to Sexuality: Finding Your True Sexual Identity

Do you have trouble defining your genuine sexual identity? Do you frequently second-guess your tastes and aspirations? Look no further since we havefemale toy the best resource to help you identify your true self. This comprehensive guide on sexuality will provide you all the tools need for self-discovery and acceptance, whether it's comprehending various labels or investigating various kinds of expression. Prepare to go out on a journey of empowerment to uncover your actual sexual identity!

Introduction to Sexuality and Sexuality Identification

Your sexual identity is something you develop over time; it's not something you have from birth. Being a complicated and dynamic topic, sexuality lacks a single definition. The way we experience and express our sexuality, however, can be roughly referred to as sexuality. This can encompass the way we think, feel, act, and attract in a sexual way.

There are many different sexual orientations since sexuality is a spectrum. While some people identify as homosexual (attracted to individuals of the same sex), others do so as heterosexual (attracted to those of the opposite sex). Other common sexual orientations include pansexuality (attraction to all genders), polyamory (attraction to more than one gender), and bisexuality (attraction to both men and women). It is entirely up to you how to define your sexuality; there is no right or incorrect way to do it.

You can find out who you really are sexually in a variety offemale toy ways. The most crucial thing is to be honest with yourself and discover your personal comfort zones. You can start examining your sexuality in the following ways:

1. Discuss sex with your friends and family. You can gain a better understanding of your sexual preferences and increase your comfort level while expressing them.

2. Experiment with various forms of sexual or pornographic literature. This might help you determine the types of sexual activities that you are most interested in.

3. Discuss your situation with a therapist or counselor.

Understanding the Various Sexual Orientation Types

There are numerous distinct categories of sexual orientation. Finding out which one you are can be challenging, but understanding the many types will help you discover who you really are.

Heterosexuality, or attraction to the other sex, is the most prevalent form of sexual orientation. Nevertheless, there are also asexual, bisexual, and homosexual inclinations.

When someone is drawn to the same sex, they are said to be homosexual. Men who are drawn to men and women who are drawn to women are both included in this. When someone is drawn to both sexes, they are said to be bisexual. Asexuality, on the other hand, is the state of not feeling sexually attracted to anyone.

It's crucial to keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to be. It is entirely up to you who you should feel sexually attracted to. The attraction between people might alter over time since sexuality is flexible. So don't panic if you're not sure about your orientation right now. You might need some time to understand it.

Knowing Your True Sexual Identity Has Many Benefits

The idea of sexual identity is dynamic. It is something that you can learn about and investigate all your life. The advantages of being aware of your genuine sexual identity are numerous. Here are a few examples:

1. More gratifying sexual experience. Knowing your sexualfemale toy triggers will make it easier for you to experience sexual fulfillment. Additionally, you'll be less likely to struggle with problems like performance anxiety or other problems that could obstruct having healthy sex.

2. A greater sense of identity. An essential component of your sexual identity is who you are as a person. You'll gain a greater sense of self-awareness and confidence by investigating and understanding your sexuality.

3. More profound connections. Intimate relationships depend heavily on sexuality. Knowing your genuine sexual identity allows you to have richer, more satisfying relationships with your partner(s).

4. More originality. Many people find inspiration for their artisticfemale toy work in their sexuality. You can discover that you feel more creatively inspired in other aspects of your life by channeling your special sensual energy.

5. Better physical and mental wellbeing. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between having a good sexual life and better mental and physical health. Therefore, by identifying your genuine sexual identity, you may also be enhancing your general welfare.

How Can You Accept Your Sexuality?

There is no right or wrong way to explore one's sexual identity, so keep that in mind if you're one of those people. Everyone's process of self-discovery and self-acceptance for embracing their sexuality will be unique. Here are some pointers on how to start accepting your sexual identity:

1. Be truthful to yourself. Being open and honest with yourself about your desires and identity is the first step towards embracing your sexuality. This calls for being sincere with yourself regarding your interests, inclinations, and fantasies. If you don't know where to begin, think about keeping a journal where you can express your feelings and thoughts without fear of criticism.

2. Consult with dependable friends or relatives. You might wish to talk female toyto someone else about your feelings and thoughts once you've begun being honest with yourself. Select a friend or relative who you are confident will be understanding and supportive. This can be a terrific approach to gain greater understanding of your own sexuality and feel more supported as you explore it.

3. Look for information and resources. If you want additional details on sexuality, there are several resources accessible. There is a wealth of information available to help you understand more about what it means to be sexually varied, including books, articles, podcasts, and websites.

4. Participate in LGBTQIA+-specific gatherings or events. The benefits of participating in the LGBTQIA+ community

Three Arguments in Favor of Sexuality Confidence

It might be challenging to enjoy sexual experiences and feel good about yourself if you don't feel secure in your sexuality. Here are three justifications for why sexuality requires confidence:

1. Confidence enables you to unwind and really savor the encounter.

2. Better sexual encounters result from expressing your needs and desires when you are at ease with your sexuality.

3. Having sexual self-assurance can address body image concerns and female toymake you feel more at ease in your own skin.

Top 5 Blogs on Healthy Sexuality

Finding the perfect venue for sexual expression can be challenging because there are so many options available. However, there are a lot of helpful tools online. These five blogs are committed to promoting healthy sexual exploration and understanding.

1. Scarleteen: For teenagers and young people who are experimenting with their sexuality, this website offers thorough information and assistance. The website addresses a variety of subjects, including relationships, masturbation, and safer sex.

2. Sexuality Education: Dr. Jill McDevitt, a sexologist with a PhD in Human Sexuality, is the author of this blog. The site focuses on refuting popular stereotypes and offering accurate information about sexuality.

3. Sex Geek: This website is devoted to educating users on both their own sexuality and that of others. The website offers interviews, evaluations of products, and informational articles, among other things.

4. Sugarbutch Chronicles: The author of this blog documents her experience of discovering her queer identity and sexuality in this blog. The author shares her personal experiences in a frank and enlightening manner in her writing.

5. Coming Out Proud: This site is dedicated to assisting LGBTQIA+ people in embracing their new identities. The website offers tools, articles, personal accounts, and more.

10 Essential Sexuality Books

1. "The Ethical Slut" by Janet Hardy and Dossie Easton: This book is all about safely and ethically exploring your sexuality and desires. Anyone trying to better their sex life or discover more about themselves sexually should definitely check it out.

2. Emily Nagoski's book "Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life" This book provides readers with useful tips for enhancing their sex life that is based on cutting-edge research. Anyone who wants to learn more about their sexuality and how to have a fulfilling sexual life should read it.

3. Jack Morin's "Getting Off: A User's Guide to the Art of Masturbation" This book is an honest, entertaining, and educational approach to masturbation. Anyone who wishes to investigate their sexuality on their own or with a partner should use it.

4. Drs. Laura and Jennifer Berman's "The New Better Sex" This book is brimming with advice on everything from increasing sexual pleasure to handling sexual issues. This book is for you if you're looking for tips on how to have a fantastic sex life.

5. Betty Dodson's "Sex for One: The Joy of Self-Loving" This timeless book gives readers a liberating perspective on solo sex. This book is a great resource if you're interested in discovering your own body and sexuality.

Advice For Dealing With Discrimination And Rejection

When you are experimenting with your sexuality, it can be difficult to manage rejection and discrimination. Here are some suggestions to assist you in overcoming these obstacles:

-Look for a community or support group. People who are interested in exploring their sexuality can frequently find groups. This may offer some much-needed understanding and comfort.

-Speak with a reliable person. It can be beneficial to speak with someone who is knowledgeable and able to provide direction and assistance.

– Inform yourself. You can have a better understanding of yourself and feel more at ease with your identity by becoming more knowledgeable about various sexual orientations.

-Have compassion on yourself. To accept your sexuality fully may take some time. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to contemplate your emotions.

Putting Ideas Into Action

Finding ways to express your sexuality in a positive and rewarding way is crucial as you get to know yourself better. This may entail examining one's sexuality alone or with a partner for some people. Others might want to use artistic mediums like writing, painting, or photography to express their sexuality.

Whatever method you select, the most crucial thing is that you express your sexuality in a way that is secure and true to you. It's important to keep in mind that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to engage in sexual activity; the only condition is that it feels good for both you and your partner, if you have one.

Here are some suggestions if you don't know where to begin:

- Experiment with various forms of touching on yourself and with a partner (if you have one), both alone and together. Discover the kind of touch that make you feel good by exploring various places of your body.

Talk to a dependable friend or partner about your sexual desires if you feel safe doing so. Sharing your fantasies with another person can help them come true. Fantasy can be a kind of sexual expression in and of itself.

- Schedule time for your enjoyment! Find the best way to touch yourself by experimenting with different techniques. This is a crucial step in learning about your own body and what makes you sexy.

- If you're dating someone, be honest with them about


Finally, realizing your own sexuality may be a freeing and empowering experience. You're more likely to establish environments where loving relationships are appreciated and fostered if you comprehend the various facets of sexuality as well as yourself and others. It's also crucial to experiment with various self-expression methods; if you feel like playing about with your gender or trying out other looks, why not do so? In the end, keep in mind that, regardless of who or what you identify as, true happiness is found in self-acceptance.

Posted by: jadelung at 09:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1963 words, total size 13 kb.

February 17, 2022

ECG monitor alarm? to make you u...

As an important means to improve patient safety, ECG monitors play an ekg monitor in clinical practice. And we often hear alarms from ECG monitors that remind us that the patient may have changed his condition. However, in clinical work, we sometimes encounter such a problem: the ECG monitor alarms, and when we come to the patient, sometimes it is just a false report, and the patient is not abnormal. These pointless alarms are like the story in "The Wolf Crying". If this happens frequently, it will eventually tire us out and over time our trust will be threatened.

What is the status and how of the alarm system of the ECG monitor?

According to the survey data, the ECG monitor in the ICU has an average temperature alarming frequency of 37 times, and the average time alarm system is as high as 19 times between 7:00 and 19:00 in the morning. Meaningful and meaningless alarm information respectively account for the total alarms 3.5% and 31.1% of the number of treatments.

The false alarm rate is 65.4%, the arrhythmia alarm error rate is as high as 99.9%, and the respiratory alarm error rate is 86.7%.

Such a number after another reminds us that the meaningless alarm of ECG monitors in our clinic has indeed become a "common event", and the story of "wolf" happens from time to time. No doubt this will add some difficulty to our care.

What factors can cause false alarms on monitors?

The common reasons for false reporting are as follows:

â‘  Improper adjustment of the upper and lower limits of the alarm parameters, if the upper limit is set too low and the lower limit is set too high, it will affect the alarm frequency of the monitor;

(ii) false reports of arrhythmias caused by external disturbances or muscle tremors;

â‘¢ For patients with pacemakers, the pacing monitoring mode is not set;

â‘£ Redness and itching of the skin appear in the different parts where the electrode pads are placed [3].

How to reduce false or meaningless alarms?

1. Change electrodes daily

It has been noted that by changing the pads daily, alarms can be reduced by 46%. In our clinical work, we do not treat the patient's skin when the pads are attached, and sometimes we replace the pads when the patient tells them that the pads have come off. Therefore, it is very necessary to incorporate the daily replacement of electrode pads into our management work.

2. Set the alarm limit reasonably

Clinically, the alarm limits of an ECG monitor cannot be set too wide or too narrow. In addition, the problem we face is that there is no uniform standard for the current international alarm limit setting. We need to treat different patients differently to improve the effectiveness of monitoring alarms!

Posted by: jadelung at 03:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 476 words, total size 3 kb.

September 13, 2021

Easy treatment of fever and cold...

Every season is a time when fever and colds are common, and children's fever is often caused by a very small thing, and children are very sensitive to new external changes (temperature, etc.). A small change in temperature can give a baby a fever and cold, so naturally, parents do not need to be overprotective of their baby and do not want him to get a fever and cold.


The manifestation of fever and cold fever

The first cough, in fact, is a physiological maintenance system. Generally we don't think to give small babies medicine to suppress cough, mild cough, parents can pat the baby's back more, conducive to absorbing phlegm, generally small babies are not easy to cough out phlegm, swallowed phlegm can be excreted by the digestive system according to defecation.


The second is runny nose, baby fever and cold runny nose is very serious, due to wipe the nose around the lips are red, a wipe will cry not to wipe. What should I do? The baby does not sleep well at night.


Maintenance and treatment of symptoms of cold

For coughing, sleep at night at night because of snot flowing to the back side of the throat, which can irritate cause coughing to increase, try to pull up the mattress at the top of the head orientation into a skew.

For a mild, sometimes cough, it is recommended to drink more water and pat the back to help the phlegm come out. A small baby will not cough up phlegm on its own and the parents must promote back patting. The best time period to pat phlegm is thirty minutes to an hour before drinking milk or 2 hours after drinking milk, and patients with coughing phlegm are patted after nebulized inhalation treatment, each time patting (fingers closed and bent into a cup to pat the baby's back) up and down for a quarter of an hour. It is best for small babies to be in a head-down, foot-high position, able to lie on their parents' laps or raise their lower bodies. When patting sputum must closely observe the baby's expression.

For more serious coughing and wheezing, you can consult a doctor to try nebulized inhalation treatment. Common nebulized drugs: 1. saline, can be used as other drugs media or independent application; 2. cough and phlegm agents, such as aminoglutethimide, so that phlegm is very easy to cough up, and relieve the cough; 3. bronchitis antispasmodic agents, such as salbutamol, can eliminate bronchospasm, reduce the onset of wheezing breathlessness; 4. hormonal drugs, such as budesonide, with part of the anti-infective effect, nebulized adverse reactions are small, side effects are mostly seen in the oropharynx. Side effects are mostly seen in the oropharyngeal part, after doing nebulization must be cleaned by washing face and rinsing mouth with water. Please follow the medical application of the above drugs!

Skin care for runny nose: baby's skin is very tender, use a soft handkerchief to scrub gently, scrubbing several times will make the baby uncomfortable, you can use a wet cotton towel to cover lightly after scrubbing, and then apply a little moisturizer to avoid skin wrinkles and pains.

Nasal snot removal: Use edible olive oil and other vegetable oils to thinly wipe the mucous membrane in the nostrils after cleaning, which can reduce the metabolism of the distribution of necessary substances. If inhalation is jeopardized by nasal blockage, you can use a baby nasal aspirator to draw out the nasal snot, or use a cotton swab dipped in a little cold water (salt water) to remove it gently; if inhalation is jeopardized by nasal mucous membrane swelling, you can use a warm cotton towel on the root of the nose to relieve nasal congestion.

Posted by: jadelung at 03:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 634 words, total size 4 kb.

September 01, 2021

How to care for filiform warts

In addition to pushing the wart method, you can also use a thin silk thread or hair to ligate the root bottom of the wart, which can fall off on its own after a few days. If the number is small, the driver will burn it with a laser.

1. Keep away from ultraviolet ionizing radiation.

2. Stay away from traumatic treatments, such as 濕疹治療 ionization, laser, and self-wart implantation treatments. Such treatments are prone to form isotype reactions, leading to scars that are difficult to remove, and can aggravate the condition.

3. Stay away from hormone drugs.

4. Drink plenty of water, eat more vegetables, fruits, and make fruit pastes.

1. Avoid scratching and reduce irritation.

Flat warts are generally painless or occasionally 扁平疣互傳 itchy. However, many young people think it is a hindrance to beauty and want to scratch it and squeeze it out. Flat warts are viral infectious diseases and are contagious. If you scratch a little, the virus can grow along the direction of the scratch due to self-inoculation. The correct way is to ignore it and reduce the irritation as much as possible.

Second, avoid depression and life disorders, be in the mood for stars, and have a regular life.

Many young people who love beauty are unhappy because of their stubbornness, which even affects their diet and sleep. Fourth, avoid depression. Depressed mood and irregular life can reduce the body's immune function and make flat warts more stubborn. Suggestions: Friends with flat warts should keep a happy mood, avoid spicy and stimulating diets, ensure a regular life, plus active treatment, most of the flat warts can be completely cured.

3. Avoid external use of hormonal drugs. It is better to use external antiviral and small stimulating drugs.

Vegetarian drugs are mainly used to treat dermatitis and eczema diseases. For example, flat warts can inhibit the immune response of the skin and reduce resistance. In addition, some patients choose drugs that are very irritating or have a certain corrosive effect (such as 5-Fu), high concentrations of tretinoin, etc. These drugs are easy to damage the skin and stimulate the pigmentation of the skin, making the "small sesame seeds" on the face "More conspicuous. Choose less irritating antiviral drugs.

Fourth, avoid excessive use of laser or cryotherapy.

Both laser and cryotherapy are destructive treatments. Some patients usually need laser or cryotherapy to eliminate it. As everyone knows, patients with scars cannot choose any destructive treatments. Even if they are not scars, laser treatment can easily cause scars if it is not performed properly. Cryotherapy can also cause hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation spots. In fact, if the flat warts with a small number of hands or faces can be scraped off with special equipment, the damage is superficial and heals quickly, and it is not easy to leave scars. Autologous implantation can also be used, that is, a wart body in the shaded part is removed and implanted in the subcutaneous fat of the arm, which can also achieve the aspirational effect.

Posted by: jadelung at 04:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 510 words, total size 4 kb.

August 18, 2021

The correct response to flat war...

1. topical medications

Many people find themselves with flat warts on their hands and they are worried about surgical removal, so they often ask me to only rub ointment to treat the effect. It is available and can be used with Yumenol Gel.

Yumeno Gel is a proprietary Chinese ointment that is less irritating to the skin. The actual fact is that you need to apply it 3 times a day for 1 to 2 months, so that it works best for a long time. Over time, flat warts will gradually decrease until they are cured.

2.扁平疣早治療 Laser

For patients with a few warts around the eyes, I usually recommend laser treatment. It is quick and easy to perform and disappears as soon as the warts are flattened.

Some people are afraid to have the laser done because they are afraid of pain. In fact, they can use a topical anesthetic cream or a local anesthetic injection to relieve the pain. Laser treatment of warts has a wound and requires post-treatment care to avoid skin infection.

3. Cryosurgery

Cryotherapy is an option for non-critical body parts, such as flat warts on the extremities. After cryotherapy, there is no wound and you can shower and soak in water as usual. However, they are prone to blistering and have a long recovery time of about one month.

Tips for treating warts is not difficult

Many people report that they are worried that the warts will not be cured. This is not necessary.

There are many treatment options for warts and the cure rate is very high. If you are afraid of pain and don't want to undergo laser or cryoablation, applying ointment is a good option.

Posted by: jadelung at 07:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 290 words, total size 2 kb.

August 10, 2021

Hair loss, what is going on?

Hair is an important part of the human body. Although it has no physiological function, it is an important signal to release the internal health of the body, and it is also the "beauty organ" of the human body. The jet-black hair makes people look around, radiant, on the contrary, hair loss gives people a sick feeling. So, what are the causes of hair loss? How to deal with it?

1. Seborrheic alopecia: This is the most common type of alopecia, also known as androgenic alopecia. It is common in young and middle-aged men. It is manifested as thick oily substance secretion on the scalp after 脫髮原因, bright scalp and gradual hair It becomes sparse and slender, and the hairline becomes taller. Such patients usually have genetic factors and have hair that is very sensitive to androgens. They should pay attention to a light diet, eat less irritating foods, eat more fruits, vegetables, or oral vitamin B6, etc.; at the same time, they can be administered orally under the guidance of a doctor. Androgen drugs or topical minoxidil liniment that stimulates hair growth.

2. Alopecia areata: It is usually considered to be an autoimmune disease caused by a variety of factors such as genetic factors, emotional stress, endocrine disorders, etc. It is manifested as the occasional appearance of round or oval alopecia areata of varying sizes, numbers, and clear boundaries on the scalp. Since these diseases are usually related to diseases such as thyroid disease and diabetes, patients can be screened for thyroid function and diabetes for the first time. patients with alopecia areata should try their best to deal with 脫髮原因 stimuli, such as depression or anxiety. patients with mild illness can wait 6 to 12 months to recover. patients with severe illness can be treated with topical minoxidil lotion or glucocorticoid injections. patients with rapid disease progression and extensive hair loss can also be treated with oral corticosteroids.

3. pathological hair loss: mainly due to high fever, malnutrition, postpartum, after taking contraceptives or using heparin, shock, after surgery, etc., the hair mother cells are damaged, causing the hair follicles to enter the resting phase in advance, leading to hair loss. In this type of baldness, the overall hair density becomes thinner and there is no partial hair loss. For these patients, it is important to rest and actively look for underlying causes, usually after a good prognosis, susceptibility factors are removed.

4. Hair fungal infection: Children are susceptible to tinea capitis because the sebaceous glands are not well developed and it is difficult to ensure hygiene when playing. This disease is caused by a fungal infection of the hair, which is manifested as hair breakage, round or oval gray patches on the scalp, yellow scabs and even pus. For such patients, the source of the disease should be cut off as much as possible, and the towels, hats, combs, etc. used by the patients should be boiled and disinfected. At the same time, patients should take antifungal drugs orally or externally.

These are the most common causes of hair loss and treatment strategies, and hope to help you find the root cause of hair loss, actively treat it, and regain thick hair.

Posted by: jadelung at 02:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 540 words, total size 4 kb.

August 02, 2021

How to manage asymptomatic infec...

We will promptly draw a certain proportion of samples in key areas of the epidemic, carry out investigations of 饒家棟醫生 infections and epidemiological analysis and research, improve prevention and control measures, scientifically respond to the risk of infection caused by asymptomatic infections, and curb the spread of new epidemics.

The second is to increase screening and monitoring. Intensify screening in a targeted manner, and expand the scope of testing to close contacts and asymptomatic infected persons, key areas and key populations who have found cases. Based on the reality of resuming work and resuming production and school, our province will intensify screening in a targeted manner, strengthen the monitoring of key cities, key populations, and key places, to find hidden dangers to the greatest extent. Do a good job in the prevention of cross-border import and export epidemics, and do a good job in the inspection of all inbound nucleic acids. After discovering asymptomatic infections, promptly carry out epidemiological investigations, find out the source, and release information in an open and transparent manner.

The third is to strengthen 疫苗抗體檢測 and treatment. Once an asymptomatic infection is found, it is necessary to immediately follow the requirements of the "four mornings", strictly centralized 新冠疫苗接種 and medical management, and conduct isolation medical observation for close contacts. Symptoms occurred during the isolation period and were immediately transferred to a designated medical institution for treatment.

The fourth is to strengthen group prevention and control. Adhere to the combination of groups and professions, increase the spread of epidemic prevention knowledge, guide the public in scientific protection, conduct extensive training, and improve the prevention and control capabilities and levels of grassroots disease control personnel, medical personnel, and community workers. From April 1st, the report, outcome and management of asymptomatic infections will be published in the daily epidemic report to respond to social concerns in a timely manner.

How to do personal protection?

The public should strengthen the awareness of self-protection and health and civilization, strengthen environmental hygiene and personal hygiene protection, wash hands frequently, wear masks, pay attention to hand hygiene, one-meter noodles, open windows for ventilation, clean and disinfect, share meals, and reduce the number of patients to gathering places. Science Wear a healthy lifestyle such as masks. Carry out a wide range of patriotic sanitation campaigns, with the concept of protecting the health of others and oneself, disseminating sanitation knowledge to every family and individual, developing good sanitation habits and a civilized, healthy and green lifestyle, and improving mental health and health literacy. If the individual nucleic acid amplification test is positive, there is no need to panic, and actively cooperate with medical and health institutions to conduct health monitoring and isolation medical observation, report symptoms such as fever and cough in time, and receive standardized medical treatment.

Posted by: jadelung at 09:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 468 words, total size 4 kb.

July 22, 2021

Acne marks immediately remove ti...

Black acne marks are a kind of acne marks during the period, that black acne marks how to eliminate it? The following and you share resources a good number of clear black acne marks small good way to remove the marks quickly and reasonably.

What is black acne marks

The black pimple marks are piles of melanin on the skin after the redness of the pimple, prompting the long face pimple on the skin to stay black pimple marks.

Loofah on the face to remove acne marks

The cucumber slices on the face can not only promote the basic metabolism of the skin, but also expand the skin capillaries, promote the blood circulation system, improve the antioxidant effect of the skin, with fresh loofah cut into slices and put on the location of the face with acne marks, persistently for a few days, the skin is more and more ductile and acne marks will become much lighter.

Skimmed yogurt to reduce acne marks

The leftover buttermilk is modified on the local area with pimple marks and washed off the next day. Sour milk contains inorganic minerals of base enzymes, nutritional elements of zinc and compounds of vitamin A and vitamin E, which are conducive to the conversion and metabolism of toxic substances, relieving the swelling of pimples on the face and facilitating the recovery of trauma.

Tips: Choose oil-free or low-fat yogurt.

The water of rice wash face lighten acne marks

The first thing you need to do is to use rice water, which contains many nutrients, proteins and other nutrients, to successfully split the oil stains on your face, eliminate melanin and avoid grease particles.

The second time you take the water after panning rice, let it be purely natural to get clear, after consideration for cleansing face, daily persistence, face acne marks will be eliminated a lot.

Vitamin C to remove acne marks

Take a moderate amount of vitamin C, subsequently grind it into a small plate, then participate in a moderate amount of mineral water multifaceted blend, subsequently modify to the face, you can choose to rub it on before going to sleep, as a pre-bedtime cream or sleep hydration mask application, the next day wash.


What are the dangers of lasers to remove acne marks?

Self-made acne mark removal hydration mask

banana apple milk mask

Take a banana apple, mash and mash, participate in moderate buttermilk, mix into a hydrating mask, then put on the face for 15 minutes and wash off, banana apple contains potassium with the function of heat detoxification, buttermilk can be excellent to whiten the skin and lighten acne marks.

papaya pure honey to acne marks


How: Take half of papaya meat, pour it into a paste, participate in fresh milk and honey, stir well into the thick, wash your face and put on your face for 10 minutes, then wash with cold water.

Results: Papaya pure honey milk mask has antioxidant properties, can deep cleanse the skin, promote skin metabolism, avoid melanin accumulation, reduce skin pores, lighten acne marks.

The actual skin care products that contain salicylic acid

Skin care products containing salicylic acid can push the old waste keratin layer to burst out, help upgrade the skin, improve the melanin reasoning after acne, and eliminate black spots.

Posted by: jadelung at 09:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 554 words, total size 4 kb.

July 02, 2021

What is the best treatment for b...

More and more breast cancer patients are concerned about the most important question: Can breast cancer be cured?

The treatment of breast cancer is divided into local treatment and systemic treatment.


Breast cancer is a systemic disease with local clinical manifestations, and it can also be said that - although breast cancer is mainly a local breast lesion, it begins to have the tendency to spread throughout the body in the early stage. Therefore, the treatment of breast cancer is a comprehensive treatment, which includes local and systemic treatment.


Local treatment includes surgery and radiation therapy, the results of both treatments can only control tumors within the scope of surgery and radiation exposure, and their treatment features are obvious effects and can rapidly control a large number of dense tumor lesions, such as surgery can quickly remove tumor lesions and reduce the total number of tumor cells in the body; while systemic treatment includes chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, targeted therapy, etc., which features drugs in the blood It can control potential tumor metastases in all parts of the body, and the treatment effect is obvious only when the tumor density is low. Breast cancer treatment is to rapidly reduce the number of tumor cells in the area where the lesion is located through local treatment, and at the same time reduce the tumor load of the whole body, and then kill the potential tiny metastases with systemic treatment.

Can breast cancer be cured? The answer is uncertain, because each patient has too many unstable factors in itself and requires thorough and exhaustive diagnosis of the patient before treatment.

Principles of dietary therapy for breast cancer

The following are several dietary methods that are more suitable for breast cancer patients.


1. Adequate nutrition: Breast cancer patients should eat more protein, sugar and high cholesterol food during chemotherapy, especially pay attention to protein intake, eat more lean pork, beef, chicken, fish, etc. Do not eat fried food, eat less pickled food, and prohibit the consumption of more stimulating condiments.

Watermelon, kiwi, apricot, apple, pear, strawberry and other fresh fruits have good anti-tumor effect. During chemotherapy, jujube not only has anti-tumor effect, but also can effectively inhibit the production of white blood cells and reduce the decrease of platelets, so you can eat more jujube during chemotherapy for breast cancer patients.

3、Eating foods rich in anti-cancer ingredients: Research shows that the following foods have certain preventive and therapeutic effects on breast cancer patients. ① Containing indole-3-methanol, an anti-cancer substance, cabbage, cabbage and kale can stop human carcinogens from inducing tumor cells and inhibit tumor growth; ② Garlic and onion contain allicin, which can block the synthesis of nitrosamines, and also contain vitamin C and vitamin A, which can play an anti-cancer role.

Posted by: jadelung at 07:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 468 words, total size 4 kb.

June 17, 2021

Microfluidic chip: definition, r...

What is meant by microfluidic chip?

A microfluidic chip is a device that is used in microfluidic applications. A microfluidic chip looks like an optical microscope coverslip, but has μm-thin internal channels. The microchannels are generally connected to external pumps to push nanoliters of fluid into the microchannels according to the microplate tubes. Microchannels can be as simple as parallel lines or as complex as a characteristic internet (chambers, channels) separated by thick walls, membranes or gate valves. Direct path microfluidic channels range from 1um to 1000um. microfluidic chips can be sized in the middle of ½" to 4" (~ one cm - 10 cm).

What raw materials are used to produce and manufacture microfluidic chips?

The hottest raw material pick for microfluidic chips is polydimethylsiloxane, alias polydimethylsiloxane. Channels are generally cast on the surface of PDMS sheets and sealed by laminated glass or PDMS plates. Microfluidic chips are also made of laminated glass only, in which the channels are etched and machined on the surface of the laminated glass and bonded to another piece of laminated glass. Silicon is also used in areas where electrical conductivity or heat transfer is necessary. Another raw material option for microfluidic chips is thermosetting plastics, such as polyvinyl acetate (PMMA) alias acrylic or Plexiglas sheets, and polycarbonate (PC) alias Lexan. plexiglass and Lexan are all brand names, but are generally used for PMMA and PC because of the fire. another raw material option is cyclic olefins, such as COC or COP. in order to better manufacture microfluidic chips with thermoset plastic production, channels are injection molded, extruded or heat stamped onto the surface of one tablet and later glued to another. Each raw material has advantages and disadvantages over the others.

How to use microfluidic chips?

Microfluidic chips are generally used as part of a large system software. The key is divided into three categories.

1. Laboratory chip setup

microfluidic chip cost

It is the most fashionable way to apply microfluidic chips. Microfluidic chips are used in laboratory setups for microfluidic science research where the chip is generally connected to a syringe pump using a tube. The fluid is introduced into the chip and physical, organic chemistry or experimental operations are performed. This setup can be applied according to a variety of methods. It can be used to separate some particles from others, such as tumor cells derived from basic somatic cells. It can be used for novel material generation. It can be used to shape somatic cells in the channel. It can be used to create water droplets in oil and to enrich liquids with genetic information. The use of microfluidics is enormous. In such setups, microfluidic chips are sometimes placed in a basic or inverted microscope to interrogate the pose or reflection in the channel. The chip can be placed under a laser, magnet, or piezoelectric acoustic frequency generator. For the use of human organs on the chip, the chip can be placed in a shaping box for a longer period of time. Microfluidic chips can be used in basically any laboratory where scientific research is conducted using some type of liquid.

2. Laboratory on a chip (LOAC)

A true lab-on-a-chip (LOC) or (LOAC) means that the entire pose is generated inside or around the microfluidic chip. This is also known as a small full data analysis system, uTAS. software for such a system should drive mobility based on capillary action or inline pumps. The steps are then manipulated and solved, and results are derived. Although many microfluidic chips are called LOC, none of the real LOCs have happened yet. The closest is probably the lateral flow kind of service platform, such as antigen detection during pregnancy or recently, but there is still disagreement whether the lateral flow service platform should be considered as microfluidic.

3. Integrated microfluidic chip

This type is right in the middle of the above. The microfluidic chip is generally integrated in an injection molded cartridge, cassette or module. The printer cartridge is then inserted into the detector or reading software, where most of the pushing, sensing and solving is carried out. Examples are fingertip glucose measuring instruments, or many of the newer point-of-care (POC) tests.

Posted by: jadelung at 06:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 703 words, total size 5 kb.

June 02, 2021

How can I moisturize my skin mor...

Basically, all dermatologists will tell you that the most basic skin care is to clean up, moisturize, sunscreen isolation, moisturizing as one of the three key skin care stages, in the dry autumn, it is vital.

How do you want your skin to be moisturized to be more reasonable? The first thing you need to understand about skin moisturizing is what exactly is moisturizing?

The most important thing that you can do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing. The stratum corneum, despite being a layer of dead cells, is an essential key player in the skin moisturizing process.

The stratum corneum has a maintenance effect on the skin, it helps save the skin from moisture drainage on the one hand, and blocks external germs and dirt on the other, helping to keep the skin physically and mentally healthy.


What is meant by the stratum corneum?

The epidermis can be divided into stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum and stratum dermis from top to bottom.

When the keratinocytes reach the most superficial layer, this cytobridge feels dissolved by proteolytic enzymes, and all normal conditions, the keratin will fall off together with the basic metabolism over the years, and the cells located in the dermis underneath will be pushed up to produce a new keratin layer to maintain the excellent moisturizing actual effect of the outer skin.

The whole process of shedding is very critical, if skin care is not reasonable, keratinocytes are shed too early, newborn keratinocytes can not catch up to transform into, will cause the natural barrier role of the stratum corneum to reduce, very easy to suffer external irritation skin allergies.

In turn, to the time of shedding does not fall off, brittle keratinocytes adhering to the stratum corneum, the skin will cause white flakes, resulting in rough, brittle, and even cracked skin.

The enzyme "keratinolytic enzyme" is responsible for the shedding of keratinocytes, and this enzyme must be specific to the standard of abundant moisture to be effective. If there is a lack of water, all the normal upgrading of the stratum corneum is not carried out, and many unshed stratum corneum cells remain on the surface of the skin.

This is one of the reasons why the skin is dry, white flaky and not smooth after less water. The necessity of moisturizing becomes obvious with how crucial moisture is for the stratum corneum.

How does the stratum corneum moisturize the skin?


The stratum corneum contains many water-locking chemicals, which are divided into two key categories: the pure natural lipids between the stratum corneum and the moisturizing factors, which are added to the middle of the stratum corneum cells.

The stratum corneum is composed of 10-30 layers of keratinocytes and intercellular lipids. The cells of the stratum corneum carry a lot of water, which is absorbed by the natural moisturizing factor (NMF) in the keratinocytes and provides the basic metabolic application of the keratinocytes.

If there is a lack of water, the natural moisturizing factor has no water "can guarantee", all the normal metabolism of the keratinocytes occur problems, all the normal physiological role is endangered, will cause a series of skin problems.


If the keratinocytes are moist and round, sorted, the smoothness of the skin will be very good. If the water outflow, keratinocytes gradually close, cell space expansion, skin barrier role is reduced, it is very easy to suffer external irritation, resulting in skin allergies, swelling, itching, stinging and other discomfort disease.

Water is the root of all physiological theme activities of keratinocytes, less this root, keratinocytes many physiological efficacy is will suffer harm.

It can be said that the moisturizing and hydrating skin care products are all made after the ingredients of the keratinocytes. The natural lipids metabolized by keratinocytes and the natural moisturizing factors are the key moisturizing ingredients, which are also the common ingredients in skin care products.

"Natural lipids" include ceramides, squalane, oleic acid, carbohydrates, glycerides, and other ingredients. The "natural moisturizing factors" include a wide variety of hyaluronic acid, carbohydrates, acid salts, glycans, lactic acid bacteria, PCA, glycans, chloride, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other positive ions and their urea solutions.

Posted by: jadelung at 08:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 711 words, total size 5 kb.

January 15, 2021

Micro bit lesson Using a Servo Motor


This experiment is your introduction for the servo motor, that is a wise motor you can convey to to rotate to some distinct angular locale. You can application it to rotate into a number of destinations, then sweep throughout its whole number of movement, after which repeat.

Components Essential

You'll need the following elements:

1x micro:little bit

1x Micro B USB Cable

1x micro:little bit Breakout (with Headers)

1x Breadboard

5x Jumper Wires

1x Servo

Introducing the microbit servo Motor

Not like the motion of most motors that consistently rotate, a servo motor can rotate to and hold a particular angle until it truly is explained to to rotate into a diverse angle. It is possible to manage the angle with the servo by sending it a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pulse prepare; the PWM sign is mapped to some certain angle from 0 to one hundred eighty levels.

Inside of the servo there is a gearbox related to the motor that drives the shaft. You can find also a potentiometer that gives feedback to the rotational place from the servo, which can be then in contrast into the incoming PWM sign. The servo adjusts appropriately to match the two indicators.

With this experiment, the servo is driven by means of three.three volts over the crimson wire and ground on the black wire; the white wire is related to pin P0.

Hardware Hookup

Ready to start hooking every thing up? Look at out the wiring diagram underneath to view how anything is related.

Polarized ComponentsPay distinctive attention into the component’s markings indicating how to location it around the breadboard. Polarized components can only be linked to some circuit in one course.

Hook up 3x jumper wires into the female 3-pin header about the servo. This will likely help it become a lot easier to breadboard the servo.

Wiring Diagram with the Experiment

ServoMicro Bit Breakout

Brown WireGND

Crimson Wire5v

Orange WireP0

Be aware: Managing a servo along with the micro:bit’s three.3V pin is not supposed to give you a really correct angle of rotation, just standard movement from a person position to another to obtain your job movin’. Should you be searching for the better degree of accuracy from the micro servo, we advise powering your servo motor with the suggested functioning voltage by having an exterior power offer of four.8V to 6V. Really don't forgot to connect floor in the external electrical power provide for reference.

related articles:

Micro little bit lesson - Utilizing a Servo Motor

Posted by: jadelung at 09:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 428 words, total size 3 kb.

January 09, 2019



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Hydration of face with moisturizing and rehydration





Posted by: jadelung at 09:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 10, 2015





Posted by: jadelung at 07:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 31, 2015




Posted by: jadelung at 08:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 28, 2015



Posted by: jadelung at 04:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 01, 2014


geijlsngi15停靠在時光的壹角,聆聽歲月的呢喃,清風掠過發梢,輕撥記憶的琴弦,彈壹曲心音伴流年過往。歲月似首歌奏響著悲歡,人生像杯酒蘊含著苦甜;因為經歷所以無憾,因為懂得所以無怨;生命就是壹種感懷,壹份珍重,壹份寬慰,壹份從容;沒有人能定格最美麗的風景,只需要壹份對得失的包容,因為太在乎世俗的眼眸,卻往往蒙蔽清澈內心的眼睛;卓悅假貨 歲月的書簽折疊著生命的劇本,年輪的增厚褶皺的卻是人生,總在歷過千重之後才能達到壹種極致的平靜,千回百轉才能回歸的壹種安和。歲月的香茗,慢慢去品才能識其韻味,時光的絮語,細細聆聽才能解讀心音。

Posted by: jadelung at 09:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 04, 2014


班容評比,這裏要評的項目大大小小有十幾個,全校有十幾個班級。我從壹樓開始看,看到四樓,所花時間大約二十五分鐘。在精細化的表格裏,我小心翼翼地填寫著,統計著,生怕萬壹哪裏填錯了哪個項目,對不起人家班主任的辛辛苦苦的勞動。生怕要是哪位更認真的班主任問起,為什麽她是壹等而他卻是二等。我想:做事還是細心點好,做好詳實的記錄,心中才能有數;再有,記詳實了,等於在心中放上壹桿公平的秤公開化,誰重誰輕哪優哪劣大家都可以壹目了然;更重要的是,哪些是更用心更認真的,就應當名列前矛;哪些是心不在焉忽悠了事的,理當置之度外。我的想法原本是無可厚非的吧?可現在看來,似乎很多余很笨。現在我再看看那些表格那些單子,著實明白了,為什麽我當年那麽賣力卻也很少有機會被表揚。也許當年的評委都是吃大鍋飯吃習慣了。在他們眼裏,只要有做就行,做好做壞根本不重要,只不過要走過場而已ips 韩國 整容。
智者有言在先:看過了,不等於看清了;看清了,DR REBORN不等於看懂了;看懂了,不等於看透了。看透了,不等於看開。

Posted by: jadelung at 09:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 18, 2013


依然沿著日子的齒輪行走,或深或淺的腳印裏,有現實的凝重,也有夢的觸角。望著鏡中的自己,也曾壹遍遍的扪心自問,還有多少夢尚在,沒有被老去的時光掩埋,還有多少花開在自己悠長的夢裏沒有凋零靡敗。不再去糾結夢想與現實的距離almo nature 好唔好> ,有些夢注定是要懷想壹輩子的,任由時光打磨心的棱角,只要夢還在那個最暖的地方生長,日子就依然光鮮蔥嚨。
從來不是很在意日子的輸贏,其實人生壹直在起跑線上,終點什麽時候抵達,永遠是未知,尋覓,跋涉,不過是爲下壹個更好的開始。almo nature 好唔好好像隨著年輪的增長,越來越在乎的反倒是壹抹情,壹絲愛,更或者說是壹場小小的感動。人生總不能苛求太多,世間不存在完美壹說,得到的越多,失去的也越多。似乎什麽都講求平衡,講求飽和。上天在爲妳關上壹道門的同時,必定會爲妳開啓另壹扇窗。門與窗,或許有大、小之分,可是汲取的陽光,只要妳用心去感悟了,那份明媚是不分地點的。
守著壹場寒涼,我依然于文字的阡陌上種植我的笑語與憂傷,也許花開,也許花落。妳壹直流連我文字的墨香,遲遲忘返,很慶幸,almo nature 狗糧有緣遇到壹個妳,從心底裏感謝文字裏的這份相依相隨。

Posted by: jadelung at 09:27 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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